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The mission of Tapestry Therapy is to provide advocacy, therapy, consultation and training in the areas of abuse, trauma, and relationships, specializing in the intersection of psychology, spirituality, culture and creativity.

Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment

Stressed Man Holds Face in Hands

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can occur after any major, traumatizing event. For example, some soldiers develop PTSD after witnessing war. Other people develop this disorder after becoming a victim of a crime or from sustaining mental, physical, or psychological abuse from someone they love.

If left untreated, PTSD can present itself via a variety of behavioral issues. You may find that you act more impulsively or that you’re more aggressive. You might also feel like your anxiety is through the roof, or you might not feel anything at all.

Treating PTSD involves not only addressing the original cause of the psychological injury, but also the resulting effects. These include constantly reliving the event, flashbacks, nightmares, and insomnia. It also means addressing social withdrawal issues and negative thinking patterns and moods.

Some of the common symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Intrusive memories of the traumatic event
  • Flashbacks, or reliving the trauma
  • Dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event
  • Severe emotional reactions when reminded of the trauma
  • Avoiding thinking or talking about the trauma
  • Being in a state of hypervigilance
  • Insomnia
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of guilt or shame

I am here to help you work through your trauma, find healing and get on the path to recovery. Please contact me for more information.

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